Thursday, January 12, 2017

Q1 2017 some goals

Because I know it will be impossible to get everything done I will look forward to finishing a few of these this year: 

Some colorful socks

Baby E Quilt

Baby J Quilt 

Green Scrap Quilt 

Feathers quilt for a cute couple

A dress

Two half square quilts

Cross block quilt 

Projects that are not available for photos:

Blossom quilt

Red Triangle quilt

Blue and pink Hip to be Square Quilt

And from last year : 

Super Tote x2

Add the ruffle to my skirt

After light Sweater

Quilt my orange quilt aka "Orange you glad we're sisters"

Stripes quilt 

Low volume pillow cover for knee pillow (I've used this so it really needs a cover)

Tee shirt rug (in progress at least one year) 

Thanks for the chance to link up

What I have been busy doing

I'm I'm so impressed but how many projects I accomplished the second half of 2016! The fist four finishes were on my Q3 goal:

Some surprises:

And a quilt for some newly weds: 

Name: Made with Love
Design: Stripes? I had very little plan
Size: about 68"x 72"
Quilted by me with loop-de-loops 

More finishes in the near future I hope.
