Sunday, April 5, 2015

Big & Low

My biggest finish ever! Actually, it might be a little too big . . .


Name: Big & Low
Design: Sunday Morning by Cheryl Arkison
Size: about 111 inches square (before washing)
Quilted by me  . . . it's a take on Denyse Schmit's loop-de-loops
Big & Low is the fourth quilt I have finished from the book Sunday Morning Quilts. I love  scrap projects.
This is the first time I have used my own quilt in my own bed. When I wake up and see the lovely fabric I am so happy!
I added a little bit of applique to represent my family. A hammer for my husband, a bone for our big dog, two hearts for my little dogs, and a fish for our cat. The chickens are NOT represented.
And one last picture of the cutest dog ever: 
Thanks for visiting!
I will be linking to Finish it Friday and 2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

i am blue

Another finish! To be enjoyed by the recipient (I hope!) She is an amazing mother of two children with Autism.

I wanted the name of the quilt to reflect that having children with special needs can be a challenge emotionally. It can be really difficult for friends like me to provide the kind of support you need when we really don't know what to say. Because I am a quilter it seems easier to give a hug and a quilt then to find the right words.  Maybe I can work on practicing my words so they match my positive thoughts. This month is also Autism Awareness Month, and many neighbors are changing light bulbs to blue to promote appreciation and acceptance for individuals with Autism.
Name: i am blue
Design: Giant Starburst by Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations
Size: about 60 inches square (before washing)
Quilted by me  . . . let's call the pattern space peas ;)

I really loved working on this quilt, it was fast and fun and bright. What will I change for next time? I will add a few inch boarder of the background color so my points will stay nice and pointy after binding.
Thanks for visiting!
I will be linking to Finish it Friday and 2015 FAL at On the Windy Side